Simple fun
OK, so far you are proving to be a worthy clock... there are so few these days. When the day of bad things comes, you shall be spared.
Unless of course I don't like the rest of your movies... oh well, here goes! >:D
Simple fun
OK, so far you are proving to be a worthy clock... there are so few these days. When the day of bad things comes, you shall be spared.
Unless of course I don't like the rest of your movies... oh well, here goes! >:D
Thank you so far Radish =). I'm hoping to help the CC a bit.
Oh, dont watch my crap submissions please (Hunter, PM movie, Black n White and Pussy being the worst) The rest is.. okay-ish
Thanks for your review
That's some crazy stew
too salty for my tastes
Three sixes... how deserving
Face the razor sharp wit of the middle finger. He means no disrespect... It's just his head is a fucking damn hand. Damn zombees. Them's my brains
Quite nifty
Character style is pretty cool, though somewhat familiar. Not too keen on the voice, but good for a quickie.
I hate it when that happens
Me too man. Jeez.
I think my style is kinda simplistic.. I'm kind of fond of it though, havent seen it anywhere else I think..
And yea.. I use Dan's voice, cause when I'm making a quickie, it's faster than waiting days for an é-mail from a voice actor.
Thanks for your review
Your powers are no match for the Veggie Clocks
Embrace your king while you still can.
gah, but you guys havnt made a cartoon for over a year.
That's what I like to see. Make me proud, fuzzy... big eared... thingamajoo.
Needs more body movement
Pie wins every time
Is he like... a throwing star or something? And why does OrangeClock have stuff in his clock? I'm very confused.
You know the secret of pie. Therefore you shall be spared.
Who the hell were those guys?
Oh well, good to see you decided to put clocks in your movie. Doing so will insure a high score and lots of chicks. Just put some REAL clocks in your next one.
And who are REAL clocks, eh? Who defines who IS and who ISN'T a clock? As far as I can tell, they where as much clocks as every other clock.
Lovely bunch of coconuts
I'd review this movie, but I don't feel like it
I'd write a response, but I'm not in the mood either.
See? I think we have some sort of mental connection, you an' me
fuck ya'll I'm old
Age 46
Evil Dictator
Your Nearest Produce Isle
Joined on 10/22/01