What a sad story....
but hey! does this mean that that hottie Hello Kitty is available? Oh yeah! Look out! RadishClock on Mac Patrol!!!!
What a sad story....
but hey! does this mean that that hottie Hello Kitty is available? Oh yeah! Look out! RadishClock on Mac Patrol!!!!
Indeed he did....
A classic from the master of children's story telling... Keep it up, Cantalope!
Cuz we're TNT!
Wooo... Look at me go!
I can taste the ph33r.....
r45b3rry c10ck ru135!!!!!
I hate it when that happens...
Wait a minute....
Oooooooh.... Yeah, I get it.
It's educational and entertaining
I love it. I want to learn more!
No, don't do it, Lucadude! STOP!
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Hey, I guess Oberon is a pretty nice guy, after all.
Bad Sir Pizzaman, BAD!
::smacks him with a rolled up newspaper::
fuck ya'll I'm old
Age 46
Evil Dictator
Your Nearest Produce Isle
Joined on 10/22/01