fuck ya'll I'm old

Age 46

Evil Dictator

Your Nearest Produce Isle

Joined on 10/22/01

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the mods and admin have been working on the problem, they're just trying to keep it quiet.

Why the fuck would they keep it quiet? They need to inform the public.

Newgrounds is dieing. No one wants to listen to me. By 2010 newgrounds will be flooded. By 2011 newgrounds will be half dead. By 2012 newgrounds will die. Im not part of the duck division nor do i want newgrounds to die but facts are facts.

At this rate Newgrounds will be lucky to make it past Christmas...

Aren't the Duck Division just another overly excited group of kids/teens who spam the site because they weren't here to do so when it was actually funny?

Sigh... I was in the Clock Crew. The Duck Division are completely different. They are pure evil. I fucking hate them.

Why put links or complain? Giving them attention is exactly what they want, so you're contributing to the problem. Just ignore, blam, and move on.

They don't give a fuck about "attention." All they care about is destroying Newgrounds, ignoring them just allows them to do this unpunished.

wow yeh fuck them they are pretty shitte

They are absolutely horrible, but the worst part is they know what they're doing, unlike the shitty fucking Star Syndicate.

Because if they say what they're doing, the DD will figure out a way to get around it. If they say "We're working on a system where we might ban your IP Address," they'll just use something to get around that.

You sir are a moron. There is nothing the staff can do to stop them. The only chance is to alert the masses and collectively push them out.

I dunno man but watch out, I've tried to contact wade on his profile leaving a comment just seconds ago. But newgrounds is in bad shape right now..

It's on the verge of destruction

Yes, I've seen on a forum of theirs...

This is an incredibly coordinated attack, not just some spam crew.

They explicitly stated in the thread on their stupid ittle website that they want to take Newgrounds down, pump it full of crap until it dies.

But... what can we do?

Doesn't matter how many people you get together, we have no power.....

I mean, I had a similar collective power idea on a more general topic (see the first entry in my News), but nuthin's happenin'.

They're cyber terrorists, what do you expect?

How did they compromise the guys into giving them their pass?

Phishing I am lead to believe.

They are destroying NG

They are destroying a piece of me

I know how you feel man. Newgrounds is my life, when Newgrounds is abused, I feel abused.

Ummm... well nevermind, I just thought of...

I mean, theoretically we could keep a massive collective watch on the Portal and blam all of their submissions to prevent them from doing any moire damage.

But people are currently trying that, and people can';t be watching all the time.

No matter how vigilant users are, at least a few of their submissions slip through judgment every day or so.

Who cares about that shit? Mods are being hacked, awards are being stolen, Newgrounds is dieing.

If i wasnt so confident about the creators of flash on newgrounds, id say you taking the piss out of all the nerds ranting

then again..

This is no time for joking around, the site is in grave danger!

Duck Division rules.

FUCK YOU!!!!!!

The staff is is in a blood drenched battle with them and the Faggot Federation.

Newgrounds sure turned into a hellhole.

The Newgrounds staff will never beat them alone, they need the aid of the users.

Its about time to say goodbye newgrounds...:/


Honestly though you have to commend them on the idea.

Fuck you.

get the FBI/CIA to track them down lololololololol

That might just work (:

<a href="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Duck_Division/index.php?showtopic=666">http://z13.invisionfree.com/Duck_Divi sion/index.php?showtopic=666</a>

oh shit we're fucked

Holy fuck this is horrible!

"Who cares about that shit? Mods are being hacked, awards are being stolen, Newgrounds is dieing."

Do I detect major case of sarcasm? Sorry if it's not, it just sounded that way.

Anyway, welcome back Radish.

I wish I hadn't come back to be honest. The site is ruined..

yea I went to the exact page WakataNG posted, thats where I found out about this about an hour ago. And that link is safe..I think, because I haven't lost mah account from clickin it a million times.

I wouldn't click any links anywhere if I were you.

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